Friday, January 18, 2008

Self Rule

Direct Democracy – Voting / Law / Economy / Self... just some random thoughts.

Each Issue is Logged by DNA Fingerprint
Issues are Pooled into one central database
Each Issue is Assigned to a DNA Fingerprint
Assigned Issues are in Order of Severity to the Whole. (All Members of Self Rule)
Issues have strict guidelines of resolve
Resolve is an Issue that has been signed off by DNA Fingerprint as fulfilled.
Unresolved Issues are States in Order of Severity to the Whole.
Impossible Issues are Left Unresolved but in a Different State.
States are the Order of Severity each Issue is upon the Whole, Self and Others, into the Future, Past and now Present.
Threats are DNA Fingerprint Issues Resolved and Unresolved via States.
Order of Severity is actions, reactions or interactions to the whole
States are Positive, Negative or Neutral to the DNA Fingerprint and Whole
Positive States have an action, reaction or interaction that Resolves as many Issues as possible before the impact on the whole is negative, neutral is a desired outcome on the whole when DNA Fingerprint Unresolved Issues Effect the Whole or DNA Fingerprint.
DNA Fingerprint Act, Re-Act or Inter-Act with DNA Fingerprint to Resolve Issues
Issues are able to Expire
An Expired Issue is Unresolved State Resolved
Negative DNA Fingerprint must Expire all States when Effect with Actions, Reactions and Interactions are unresolved issues DNA Fingerprint States Positive States, Neutral States and Issues Logged Changes the Whole

To be continued

oh and More positive states DNA Fingerprint Issues are, then more neutral the whole balance is positive.


God? Nah... our thing.

We are stuck in an amazing place, where the balance of the universe has created nature from its each and every atom, state and dimension. Giving life to something that is without question amazing and all inspiring. The balance of nature on earth in all its various entities and forms, share this amazing place with the universe that has not seen such life from it’s self. To seduce the universe with all natures secrets to evolve the restrictions we have on our own growth that brings a balance of War in Peace, Heaven and Hell, Positive and Negative, Ying and Yang. It goes without thanks we deserve to be apart of something that without us, at what ever stage, or may never be, to share with other entities from each and every entity or form that benefits the whole of it all together as one family. Our Thing.